This evocative title captures the creative aims of my tried and tested creative writing workshops. My students understand that if they harness the integrity of a strong writing voice they can write and communicate with a renewed sense of self. Successful entrepreneurs in the world of business and in the arts, need to find a good balance between their creativity and their business acumen. When working with the corporate world this need for creativity is often overlooked. I have found poetry is an excellent way to open the door to people’s true creative nature which often lies dormant under the pressure of their daily working practice.
I was kindly invited to do some workshops for partners and their teams at PwC. The success of this work was part of the evidence that the need for creative expression and connection lives just below the surface in organisations. I believe that a unique writing voice and an articulate understanding of good writing and writing principles leads to empowerment, creativity and interconnectedness. Whether working with individuals or teams my courses focus on the way in which good writing can cross boundaries and bring an evocative spark to employees working lives whether it be their working practice, emails, social media techniques, reports, pitches, or all of the above. The work has been proven to boost morale, creative thinking, innovation and communication skills. I am passionate about using my experience in the arts to remove boundaries between art and business and to work with organisations finding ways in which business leaders and aspiring individuals can become part of a creative conversation born of an understanding of all culture and not just business- speak.